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Word of the Day : December 15, 2021



noun TAL-iss-mun

What It Means

A talisman is something that is believed to have magic powers and brings good fortune.

A talisman 被认为具有神奇的力量并带来好运。


In ancient times, the gemstone was worn as a talisman to avert evil.


"Brooklyn-born [Margaret Wise Brown] … demonstrated her quirky personality early on, once toting a rabbit in a basket onto a train. (This rabbit became a talisman, as Brown wrote 26 books whose titles bore the words bunny or rabbit.)" — Kirkus Reviews, 1 Oct. 2021

“布鲁克林出生的 [玛格丽特·怀斯·布朗]……很早就展示了她古怪的个性,有一次把一只兔子装在篮子里带上了火车。(这只兔子成了护身符,因为布朗写了 26 本书,书名都是bunny or rabbit。) ”

Did You Know?

The English language may have borrowed talisman from French, Spanish, or Italian; all three include similar-looking words for a lucky charm that derive from an Arabic word for a charm, ṭilsam. Ṭilsam traces to ancient Greek telein, which means "to initiate into the mysteries."

英语可能是从法语、西班牙语或意大利语中借来的 talisman ; 这三个相似词都包含有幸运的魔力,它们源自阿拉伯语中表示符文的词 ṭilsam。 Ṭilsam 可追溯到古希腊的 Telein,意思是“to initiate into the mysteries『开始探索奥秘』”。


What 6-letter synonym of talisman begins with an "a"?
